Hi, I’m Daniel. I primarily work on backend systems and relational databases.
I currently work at Xero, a cloud-native SaaS company that provides accounting software and adjacent products for small businesses.
Personal Projects
Get-SSMSDiagramCode (2022)
Get-SSMSDiagramCode is a PowerShell cmdlet that helps make it easier to keep SQL Server Entity-relationship model diagrams within version control.
MatchScore (2014)
MatchScore is a Microsoft Windows WPF desktop application. It allows users to plan and execute a pistol competition for a variety of pistol matches.
The application makes use of the following software technologies:
- .NET Framework 4.5.1
- C#
- Microsoft SQL Server (and the T-SQL dialect of SQL)
- Entity Framework 6
You can view some MatchScore screenshots here. And if you want more insight into what the application does then take a look at the MatchScore instruction manual.